Haunted Journeys

Our Annual Psychic Projections for 2021: 9 Prophecies of Change
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Nine gifted psychic mediums, all respected by influencers of the Supernatural World, reveal stirring projections of what we should expect to happen in 2021. Each has received messages and counsel from their trusted Spirit Guides, so that can be delivered to our readers.

This has been a most turbulent year for many, so the guidance of these light-workers could be the roadmap for a more peaceful and successful year ahead.  You will be stirred by some of their responses and the advice they have generously provided. Their words will shake you into understanding not to rely on others for a better world but only trust your inner core.  This is what makes these projections vital, so energetically different as ever offered before.

Listed in Alphabetical Order, we present our most beloved and trusted psychic medium friends. We thank each and every one of them for their contributions.

Kayla Baugh


I see great upheaval in our country and the world that on the surface looks foreboding, HOWEVER, just as there is tremendous pain in the birthing process ( for those of us who went natural) and then the miracle is delivered and for those of us who saw the terrible destruction of the twin towers and then in the midst of grief we saw love, prayers, assistance pouring in from all over the world that caused the earth’s vibration to be elevated ( a good thing), so what appears a disaster and a fearful situation will, in the end, open many eyes and cause evil to crush itself opening up a new path of prosperity.

We must go through the fire like metal to be purified. And We must as the jagged stone, become a smooth pebble by torrential waters. Change becomes chaos then in time becomes calm. It’s the homeostasis of the universe. All things eventually level out. A’ho. 

Glenda Dawson

I have been thinking of 2021. As the feeling of hope is helping raise the vibrational frequencies, there is still much sadness we must overcome.  Many of us have awakened new levels of connection and spirituality. Unfortunately, many who choose to keep their minds and hearts closed will be left behind.  There is much despair in the life of humans and many souls will transition back home not just due to the pandemic but due to the inability to feel hope and see the light at the end of that proverbial tunnel.

Humans are, by and large, conceptually misdirected from this truth: As we are all made of energy and we are connected to one another and the Great Spirit that is greater than all. One of the ways to get through this, is to join society’s greater good, facilitating kindness and compassion. Those choosing this path can find the way to empowering what we were really created for. 

Out of the experiences of 2020, we have the opportunity to realize the true meaning of why we incarnate into the physical plane and understand why we are here at this moment. We need to remain together looking at the opportunities for growth while releasing all that is no longer serving us.

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Deb Johnson DeRousee

As we approach a new year, a new age, and a new reality across our planet, we must all stay strong in ourselves and in the light of the source. 2020 has been a very painful, yet a teaching year, for many of us.  We have all become stronger and much more resourceful, we have been preparing, on a spiritual level, for a new world.  That cycle actually began in 2016 with the biggest surge of the spiritual awakening of our time.  Moving into 2021, the cycle begins to change and open to higher dimensions, the process has begun and will take until November for the majority to really be able to relax with this reality, to let it be.

Coming into 2021 it's very important for the human race to leave hatred, anger, and as much negativity as possible, behind.  My guides have told me that many people are still in a place of fear, and remember that all negative emotions are derived from fear, the ultimate negative emotion. Fear is the root of the battle for power, greed, hatred, and division that is destroying us little by little.  I know this sounds cliché, but, love for others, no matter the color of their skin, their beliefs, their lifestyle, or their geometrical location, is where we are headed and is the only answer. 

We are moving through the 4th dimension to settle into the 5th dimension, so this year will be huge for people becoming more loving, compassionate, and tolerant, of others and all living beings.  Some will still fight this, for much of the year, we will still have the threat of wars across our planet.  I have not been shown destruction, I have been shown a new world, a more united world that is softer, kinder, simpler, and more loving.  Onward and Forward With LOVE!

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Lorie Johnson

I see your truest path and the agenda of who you truly are. Seems the emphasis of acknowledging sight of your own truth, is not. 

You feel you have to save one to make your agenda be granted for the forgiveness of your past, yet you forget the steps you created with others who have not forgiven the past. Seems your abandonment of the past has become who you are. Never become what was my friend or you'll never see your own Truest Path. 

Do not dismiss, what we feel we want to fulfill from our past, won't make our now's happy. Move forward and give what you receive in life.  Respect, love, and light.  Always remember, one cannot save another until they have saved themselves. Peace always.

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Kristin Lee

As we keep truckin’ along toward a new year full of hope, excitement, and a planet of uncertainty; we have to remember that we are what we think! Can this year be better than 2020? Can we click our heels three times and say, “Beam me up, Scotty?” This is a year of collective consciousness, and if you are already working in this realm, then you are WAY ahead of the game.

The first quarter of the year is going to be like a pendulum swinging back and forth- you will think we are supposed to go one way and then SLAM, someone changes the game rules. Confusion and mixed messages will manifest! We have to focus on deep breaths and just breathe through them. This is why it is important to listen to your inner voice and trust your first gut feeling.

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Patti Negri

I see 2021 continuing to be a bit tumultuous, but now there will start to be new positive shifts coming out of it. We were asleep, this transition is a big wake up call for us. As we move into the “Age of Aquarius” they sang about in the sixties… it’s a new world. It is not our parent’s world anymore. Not black and white, right or wrong. We are going from the earth element to the air element. The solid ground just won’t be the same.

Since we have free will, what we do with it, is up to us of course, but I believe this “wake-up call” will put us on a brighter, better path. A bit less materialistic, a lot more creative – even spirituality in many forms will grow as we all “take flight” into this new world. So, in a “predictive” sense… the joy of life, art, experiences are going to outweigh the material. I see us literally moving into a NEW “Roaring Twenties”!

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Rev. Donna Penick

Wow 2020, what a year!! My guides told me nearing 2020 that it would be a year of stillness and blessings, where they wrong? Not at all!! The year 2020 showed us many things about life, death, and human nature, the good, the bad, and yes the ugly! It taught us family is key and to value those we love with tenderness and compassion, and to reflect on all this even on ours and others' shadow sides!

We can now go to 2021 with a new perspective! What a blessing!!! And it took STILLNESS in many ways to achieve this!!! This I do believe was our quarantine. It was painfully needed. The universe loves to give us lessons and wisdom, we just have to shift our perspective a bit. 

As we enter 2021, many things will remain the same, except this strength, wisdom, and new perspective of life, let's go in like the phoenix from the ashes! 2021 will start much as what we are currently in, except we all can feel a shift, a change, hold on to that because it is coming and the clouds of change my guides say will be coming in June/July, The COVID spreading will be almost obsolete and under control by then and things can and will come together for a new building, a much stronger unified world. The sun will start to shine again on many areas of our lives, there will be happy tears and tears for those we have lost along the way. With this healing, peace and a sense of unity will be felt across our world. 

The rest of the year of 2021 will be preparing this new way, even if it's just ingesting it, fully taking it in, letting those tears flow whether happy or sad, getting ready for the new full rebuilding which will not fully take place till 2022. This year is about cultivating all we have learned, healing what must be healed, and preparing the soil so to speak for this full 2022 build! The world will however start to see and witness the start of the new building this year as June/July approaches. I think it's safe to say 2021 will be embracing the spirit of the phoenix as should we!

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Kathrine Sorilos

2021 is, in a way, a continuation of 2020. The events that marked the world last year are evolving and now their consequences and expediency will be clearly seen. Meanwhile, new events, laws, decisions, and emergencies will mark the history of mankind and determine the shape of the period until 2025, which will judge the fate of civilization and the prospects for the afterlife of the 21st century.

The close approach of events will last until about May 12. From May 14 to July 29 another short but difficult period of events will follow, which will exacerbate the dramas and difficulties from November 1st to December 14th. Conflict of events worldwide will result in sudden changes - not always pleasant. The good news is that there will be advances in medical science, it will contribute to new technological and space research and it will prepare the world for a new era, more electronic and robotic.

This period is the journey through our own hell, which will eventually lead us to a new paradise, but it will still take a long time. The human species is seven-souled and this has been proven by its history. After all, the greater the recession, the greater the growth that follows. And, of course, the awareness and understanding of real values, the need for freedom, without fears, hatreds and prejudices. Maybe this is, in the end, the lesson we will learn.

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A summary that we can take with us…

In conclusion, we will end with words from the most gifted medium we have valued through our friendship, Angela Slover Hendricks.  She writes, "Just because the calendar page has turned, it doesn't mean there will be change. We must first commit to self-love to avoid a repetition of 2020."  


Could this be the common core of what we are battling? Your take-away from all these incredible insights is that it starts with us. Before the world gets better, we must learn to light the flame in our souls to shine brighter than ever it has done before.

Happy a happy and most wonderful new year, dear friends.




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