The city of Bryan in northwest Ohio is about one hour west of Toledo, near the Indiana and Michigan borders. This small hidden treasure is speckled with historical properties, offering refuge for phantoms of its past.
Here are Haunted Bryan Investigations' Founder Austin Maynard's TOP haunted picks in Bryan Ohio!
Grain Elevator (circa 1920’s)
Haunted Grain Elevator in Bryan Ohio
Photo Courtesy of Haunted Bryan Investigations
1920s Grain Elevator: Built in the early 1900s, this facility spent several decades in operation before OSHA and workplace safety laws existed. And long before the facility was built, the property and the surrounding area saw a few dark incidents take place, specifically along the tracks.
This place is EXTREMELY ACTIVE. Activity is literally all over this building. This is a haunted property that will NOT disappoint. This place is not huge, so it's easy to hear and see everything Therefore, great care and precision ghost hunting has to be used. It's reported that there is a dark entity inhabiting these haunted rooms... it's known that it likes to touch and (even) scratch the living that dare to share its space.
So far, mediums have picked up on a few things inside, including a supposedly darker energy that has shown to be quite aggressive at times. At an event in November 2018, "Hunt the Town," access to the grainery had to be shut down due to multiple unexplained "happenings," including a healthy young girl collapsing inexplicably. Aggressive preparation is needed to handle whatever might lurk inside. The upcoming event will feature more intensive skills to battle this! Only the bravest may enter this facility, and the event managers do require an additional waiver to be signed before entering this location! (Keep in mind, participating at the grainery is 100% optional.)
Sheriff's Department and Jail (Circa 1869)
The Haunted Sheriff's Department and Jail
Photo Courtesy of Haunted Bryan Investigations
This 160-year-old facility is full of energy and darkness!
From the paint peeling off the cell doors and walls to the pitch-black solitary confinement cells, this place is off-the charts-creepy. Permeated with the energy from former inmates, riots, emotions, and perhaps brutality over the last century and a half, the Sheriff's Department and Jail has proven itself to be fully capable of communication.
This haunted place ranks with amazing poltergeist activity, experienced several times with Haunted Bryan Investigators team. The Solitary Confinement hallway is intense and has made people dizzy and feel "mentally off." Many believe it is haunted by an old Sheriff himself, who resided in the home right next door. In addition, a few remaining long-term inmates remain in this supernaturally rich space, now finishing their extended phantom sentence.
There is also the spiritual store "The Hidden Spectrum" stationed inside base camp, filled with crystals, jewelry, books, and spiritual relics from Europe, Nepal, Thailand, the Vatican, and more! Could this ignite the already embedded energies in this place packed with phantoms from a dark era in history?
Niederaurr Building (circa 1883)
Haunted Neidelmauer Building (known today as the Karate Dojo space)
Photo Courtesy of Haunted Bryan Investigations
1883 Neidelmauer Building: Built in early 1883, this was originally a three-story building until a fire destroyed the third floor in the early 1900s. This location has seen many organizations and businesses throughout the years, including a doctor's office, several retail stores, and a meeting place for the Oddfellows. It was also rumored that the upstairs used to be a temporary cold storage area for the morgue, prior to the establishment of Bryan Hospital.
Currently housing a karate dojo, this place sees a LOT of raw energy and emotion every day, and the owner reports footsteps, doors opening and closing on their own, disembodied voices, and even his desk chair always found moved when he comes in the next day! We have not fully been able to figure out who or what might be there!
Although there is no factual data that verifies the intensity of the energy that permeates this building, it cannot be argued that this place is very spectral. Many suspect that it is fed by the energy created by the karate ceremonies and practices that occur in this space on a daily basis. The basement has also been known to be active, with spirits who mock investigators and move things. The current owner has captured a door closing on its own, caught on his security camera.
Bryan Carnegie Library (Circa 1903)
Haunted Bryan Carnegie Library
Photo Courtesy of Haunted Bryan Investigations
Built in 1903, the Bryan Library was the site of the 1946 murder of librarian Emily Abernathy. Local resident James Engle strangled the librarian, confessed to his crime, and served 30 years of a life sentence before being released on parole, and living out his remaining years right here in Bryan. He passed away within the last decade.
For years, there have been rumors and stories that Emily may have tragically passed, but some say she may not truly be gone...
Father John's Microbrewery (Circa 1895)
Haunted Father John's Microbrewery (Circa 1895)
Photo Courtesy of Father John's Micro-Brewery
As a former Methodist/Episcopal church, this haunted property was built on a former graveyard. Today the spirits live with spirits, since it's now an active pub/microbrewery. The current owner bought the property to save it from demolition, turning it into a brewery. He filled the entire place with spiritual and religious artifacts from different cultures around the world. Who knows what kind of energy each item holds! This place also features an adjoining haunted Bed and Breakfast, said to be inhabited with the spirit of a woman and a little girl. To make things more interesting, there is an actual tomb, complete with casket and all! This place is CRAWLING with energy and spectral activity!
Haunted Father John's Brewery, a heavenly, devilish brewing company in Byron Ohio
Photo Courtesy of Father John's Micro-Brewery
The property certainly deserved to be featured in the World’s Largest Ghost Hunt in 2018!
Haunted Bryan Ohio is getting noticed by Paranormal Investigators around the Country
Video Production Credit to Hamiltucky Paranormal
Haunted Bryan Ohio is very proud of it's history and heritage. On top of that, it's intense spirituality makes it a perfect place for a haunted journey. Join our Haunted Journeys Tribe get notifications of gatherings in this unique and very worthwhile visits!
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Contributor: Austin Maynard
Founder of Haunted Bryan Investigations
Contact Information: 419-575-1164