Haunted Journeys

Haunted Places Near Me!
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So you want to take an excursion to find the most haunted places and not spend to much time on this spooky road trip?

What Haunted Places are near me?

Haunted Journeys can help you with this! Imagine, there are hundreds (maybe even thousands) of haunted historical sites, inns, restaurants, bars, parks, roads, museums, old sanitariums, and historic prisons!  In fact, many are totally accessible and public. This means all you need are simple ghost-hunting gadgets, an open mind and at least half a gas-filled tank to get there! But how do you see them all? How do you know what haunted places are near you?

Pull up our map of thousands of Haunted Places by clicking on the map below! 

With this map, Haunted Journeys offers you a road trip navigator of the most haunted in America! Zoom in to your location, point and click to get you started on your exploration of the spookiest places around you!  (Who knows! They may be walking distance to you!) 


haunted journeys

Now that you found a few places to go, it's time to go ghost hunting.  We've put together some common sense tips that may help you make your paranormal investigation a phenomenal and safe experience! 

Tips on how to go about exploring haunted places

Be Prepared

Before you embark on your ghost hunting adventure, make sure you have all the necessary supplies. For a beginning ghost hunt, you’ll need a pen and paper to keep track of any paranormal observations, a camera, a flashlight with plenty of batteries and, if possible, a mobile phone for use in emergencies or to track time.

More advanced ghost hunters can purchase higher quality materials, such as video cameras, audio recorders or digital laser thermometers, locate sources of energy. Since this equipment can be pricey, beginners should test the waters with basic gear before investing lots of time and money.

Dress Appropriately

You will also want to dress appropriately for your excursion by wearing comfortable shoes or bringing a jacket. Wear clothing that is quiet, as opposed to shoes that squeak or pants that rustle as you walk

Do your research!

It's always best to come prepared, to know what to expect and the property will be impressed with the time and effort you have taken to learn about the property.  In fact, not only will you impress the owners, you may strike a chord with the spirits that inhabiting the property!  

Make sure they are open to your visit!  

Not all places will fancy being investigated for haunts!  Some prefer not to gloat on or encourage the ghostly activity that has been reported in the property.  It could be all over the web or even ghostly shows on television.  

Do respect their requests.  They have already made a decision that they prefer not to shine a light on their spectral treasure, so its best not to push it. 

Keep Lines of Communication to the outside world open! 

Do keep that cell phone charged and on you at all times. You may wish to invest in a charging battery pack as well. Since you decided to stay at the haunted house in the first place, you need some way to call for help. 

Don't go alone.

Trust us, no matter how brave you are (or want to show others), it is best to not ghost hunt on your own. This is one time you should believe that there is safety in numbers and all your brave and exploration skills may not be enough to tackle real or supernatural world experiences. Besides, whose going to believe all your findings if you don't have anyone experiencing them with you?

Highly Recommended!
Apparitions Paranormal Ghost Hunting 101

Always Ask Permission

If you’re investigating property that isn’t your own, always ask permission. It’s often best to have the property owner give written consent to avoid any legal troubles due to trespassing. If a property owner doesn’t want you to ghost hunt in a particular area, there’s probably a good reason! To be on the safe side, don’t forget your personal ID if you need identification at any point during your adventure.

Understand the risks of abandoned properties

Sure, an old abandoned asylum is just reaching out to you to investigate. Before you crawl through that broken window, follow some common-sense rules. This is the time to use your head, respect the property and the rules the govern it. These could be some of the most dangerous and (frankly) most law-breaking ghost hunts you can take.   Want to get more tips?

Be Safe and Cautious

Safety during a ghost hunt is very important. If you’re well prepared and research the best ghost hunting locations beforehand, your exploration should be exciting and safe. In order to err on the side of caution, you may want to bring a first aid kit with at least bandages and antibiotic ointment to accompany your ghost hunting party. Safe and cautious ghost hunters won’t disturb any angry spirits and will have a more enjoyable adventure overall. After reading these tips, you are equipped to investigate the haunted happenings in your home or elsewhere.


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