Haunted Journeys

Haunted Portals of Twin City Opera House

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Why are old Opera Houses some of the most haunted places on earth?

There is no doubt that residual phantasmic energies are left behind when those that occupied these stages pass on.  Could it have been their long hours of rehearsals or the dreams that were never realized?  

One of the most haunted of these music halls is the Twin City Opera House which sits in a sleepy central Ohio town called McConnelsville.  It all started in 1892, where the entertainment hall became the center of cultural events for this noble and proud city.

The History

When the Twin City Opera House was built in the late 19th Century, it was purposed not just as a theatre, but also to serve as government offices including the mayor’s. Today, its design continues this purpose. 

Historical Photo of the Twin City Opera House  .  TCOH Website

It all started, in 1878, when the city’s northwest corner was destroyed by a fire. After ten years of empty city blocks, the city council decided they wanted to bring this part of the town back to life by building an impressive structure that would serve its entire community.  Thus, this majestic building became the city’s community center for government and its entertainment and cultural center.  The impact of “coming back” was strong, built right over the area that was previously burned down. With this, the Twin City Opera House was born.

Historical Rendition of the Twin City Opera House in McConnelsville Ohio     Credit: Civic Tourism

Through the years, the Opera House has offered generations of talent that was popular through the times. This included Vaudeville Shows, Silent Films and later on the new Silver Screen Productions. This mandated the theatre to renovate to full projection equipment around the roaring twenties.  

Today it is a full functioning theatre, offering film presentations, live shows, and yes, public paranormal investigations!

Twin City Opera House in McConnelsville Ohio     Credit: Civic Tourism

The Haunts

The haunts of Twin City Opera House were first noted many years ago, by ex-policeman, paranormal investigator Eric Glosser. Eric approached the owners to consider publicly recognizing the importance of hearing the history through the voices of the dead. This grand theatre had stories that needed to be told, and the spirits within were very anxious to tell!

As a member of the United Paranormal Project, Eric has helped the theatre publicly demonstrate its paranormal activity. These efforts have helped the theatre financially sustain itself through the decades.

So who are the spectral entities that haunt the Twin City Opera House today and how do they manifest to the public?

The Ghosts

Most of the ghosts at the Opera House are friendly. One of these is “Robert”.

Lurking on the catwalk is Robert Lowery.  Robert, at one time, was a stage hand helper. You will know that Robert is around, because the room’s temperature may drop quickly and significantly. His voice has also been captured by digital recordings, known as “electronic voice phenomenon (EVPs)”.  In fact, his voice has been caught several times within a collection of 5,000 recordings!

Elizabeth is another spirit, a sweet 10 year old little girl. According to TCOH, she was the daughter of Victoria who was a performer.  According to the stories, Elizabeth died of a high fever while her mother was on stage. Digital recording (EVPs) have been caught of a female in remorse for what occurred to Elizabeth. Could this be Victoria?  Of course, Elizabeth followed with a kind remark of “I forgive.”

The spirits of other figures, which played a big part in the tales of the city are said to remain here. Their presence manifest through apparitions caught on images. One of them belong to a prosecutor Frank Parsons, who committed suicide in the middle of some highly profiled murder cases. 

Prosecutor Frank Parson, who committed suicide in 1909 and is said to haunt TCOH today.  TCOH Website

Another spirit that has been found in spaces within the theatre is that of Town Marshall, Horace Porter. Porter was ambushed just outside the east alley door of the Opera House. It is said that Porter still protects the alley next where he was killed.

Town Marshall Horace Porter Murdered Sept. 7, 1905, is said to haunt the TCOH.   Credit: TCOH Website

Battery-runned equipment don’t stand a chance here. Spirits tend to drain phones, laptops and cameras. There are poltergeist activity, where equipment (including cameras) that are inverted or repositioned so that pictures/videos are not taken. Could ghosts possibly be camera shy?

Grey Scale Thermal of Anomaly behind Investigator. This was captured after investigators were getting strong hits on their EMF Meters   
Credit: Eric Glosser 6/22/13 found TCOH Website

Not all is friendly at the Opera House. In fact, some of it is considered. “Dark”.

The Dark Side: The Portal

He is called Charlie. No one really understand if he is a demon, an elemental or just an evil spirit. But there is no question, Charlie does not interact with good intentions. This entity can be found in the dreaded sub-basement (“The Black Hole”), which lies below the basement where cast and crew would get ready for performances.  There is actually a tunnel system that runs underneath the opera house into and throughout town. Today, these tunnels remain unused. Except for Charlie, of course.

Underground Tunnels to town from Twin City Opera House    Credit: Twin City Opera House Pinterest.com

The Catwalk at the Twin City Opera House   -  Credit:   Ghosting12.com “Something Is Out There”

Charlie has been known to almost violently, interact with investigators. He has been known to grab folks by the arm, pushing you around the room. He particularly likes to target women, who will encounter scratches or light headedness. For some reason, the encounters are so hard, that many women will end up vomiting after an experience with Charlie. He manifests through a growl or sometimes with plain foul-language, demanding for participants to leave the area.

Apparently, Robert is not fond of Charlie. For that matter, who would be? Robert has communicated that these portals exist within the theatre, one that runs through the catwalk and another that runs through town. Apparently, Robert is in control of these portals. He claims that he can open and close them.

Want to see an investigation of this property?

This property was so impressive, it was selected to be investigated by Katrina Weidman and Jack Osbourne during the Spring of 2019 on Travel Channel’s Portals To Hell.  As described by their followers, this episode is “… a real-life case of the Phantom of the Opera, as Jack and Katrina descend on the sleepy town of McConnelsville, Ohio, to investigate a majestic old theater long rumored to be haunted by a host of sordid spirits.”

Katrina Weidman and Jack Osbourne at the Twin City Opera House     Credit:  Press.Discovery.com

Eric Glosser and the United Paranormal Project

All haunts at the TCOH have been chronicled through research, documentation and hard work as provided by Eric Glosser and the United Paranormal Project. Confidently, Eric states (after ghost hunting some of the most prominent and recognized haunted locations through the Midwest) that the Twin City Opera House is one of the most haunted of them all.

Eric and the United Paranormal Project have not just been the paranormal investigators for over twelve years at the Twin City Opera House, but Eric and his team have been the historians and ambassadors for this grand structure. They certainly are keeping the past alive at this historic property, with all their efforts and dedication.

We thank them for being stewards for historic preservation through the voices of the haunted in McConnelsville Ohio.


References credits and thanks go to: 
The Post of Athens
Twin City Opera House Website
Civic Tourism in Ohio’s Hill Country


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