Haunted Journeys

Hauntings of Poasttown Elementary

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Could decades of spiritual imprints of the children and educators that once developed their dreams and hopes in a proud elementary school still be speaking through phantom voices? Yes, and it’s one of the most haunted places in Ohio.

Just north of Cincinnati, Ohio, in the city of Middletown, lies a federalist-themed historic building that used to be a safe haven for teaching youngsters in this blue-collar, American-proud town: Poasttown Elementary. Darrell Whisman, growing up here and an actual alumni of this noble school, made sure this precious property would never meet the bulldozers of historical reconstruction.

He took it under his care, only to find that many were happy he did so – not just the living within his community, but the dead that still lurk on this property. Today, since 2001, Poasttown Elementary has become a hotspot for paranormal investigators.

Hauntings of Poasttown ElementaryDarrel Whisman’s Posttown Yearbook Photo
Credit: WCPO

The History

The school was dedicated in 1937 and ran a dedicated academic service until its closure in 2000. Chillingly, what adds to the tales of the children and teachers are several tragedies that occurred not far from where this spiritual portal exists today.

Hauntings of Poasttown ElementaryPoasttown: An educational historical landmark in Middletown Ohio
Credit: WCPO

The Train Tragedies

Since the late 1800s, trains coming into, out of, and through Middletown were very active. Keep in mind, this was the main form of transportation for commuters as well as freight at the time. Unfortunately they could also be very dangerous and unsafe, causing many horrific accidents.

Such was the case on July 25th 1891, when staff from the National Cash Register Company were on their way to Dayton as they returned from their company picnic. What normally would have been a time of fun and celebration, turned tragic. Their passenger train collided with a freight train, causing four deaths and more than 50 injuries. Unfortunately this was not isolated.

Train Wreck in Middletown, Ohio, near Poasttown Elementary
Credit: PoasttownSchool.com

On July 4th, 1910, another dreadful train accident occurred when an engineer of the Big Four passenger train ran off schedule following a detour. With this chaos, an oncoming freight-filled train was unable to avoid a massive collision. All passengers in the 2 cars closest to the engine either died or were seriously injured. Altogether, there were multitudes deaths at the scene of the accident and countless others were severely hurt. With no hospitals in Middletown at the time, many came to (what is today) the Poasttown School property, which served as a makeshift triage. Relief trains were sent out, and the passengers who survived were taken to hospitals in other nearby cities. In the end, there were 36 deaths as a result of this accident.

The Intensity of Haunts at Poasttown

This haunted property is not fit for paranormal enthusiasts that cannot withstand the spiritual complexities within its walls. The air within its collegiate halls often feel heavy. There is a sense of always being watched, and at every turn every hallway seems to be filled with an energy never previously experienced.

You will hear what sounds like desks being drug across a floor above you, yet there is no one there! Footsteps belonging to children followed by whispers and giggles coming from the children that still call this their safe home. Apparitions are part of the expectations here, coming in as all sorts as full and shadow figures. There are black floating masses, white mists, and strange glowing lights floating through the rooms. Once even a gremlin-like creature was found! Wrapping it up, paranormal investigators have obtained the most amazing EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon recordings) and visual evidence that undoubtedly support that this is one very special haunted place.

No regrets guaranteed! As Darrel Whisman, the owner says, “When you leave, you believe.”

Poasttown Elementary School Official website
WCPO “Inside Butler County’s ‘haunted’ former elementary school”
History Goses Bump in the Night
The Supercon 6


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