Haunted Journeys

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All are anxiously awaiting to be spooked at one of the most successful Haunted Ghost Tours in the Midwest.

Yes, the 16th Annual Ghost Walk of Dayton Lane will be held on the weekend before Halloween. On Saturday, October 26th, prepare to experience the spirits that come alive in one of the most haunted and majestic historic neighborhoods in Hamilton, Ohio.

But how truly haunted is this history-driven and architecturally Victorian masterpiece of a neighborhood?  All we can say is that your anticipation will be well satisfied when you experience the haunts of Dayton Lane’s Ghost Walk!

The tour, to be held on Saturday, October 26, 2019, will reveal all the hidden secrets and mysteries that are only known to those that live within these walls … yes, the living and the dead! On this day, dare to tour 11 of the most haunted properties that speckle the famous Dayton Land Historic District located in one of the most pristine neighborhoods of Hamilton Ohio.  

Each walk will be escorted by celebrated psychic mediums within the Greater Cincinnati Area!  With each stop, the metaphysical guides will reveal what the spirits are keeping to themselves, while connecting their historic tales.

Witness and hear about the history, folk tales the Mansions whose haunts are only rivaled by what’s in your imagination.  The naughty spaces from some of the (by design) more conspicuous places will also tease the historic journals, where the secrets will be exposed!

The Dayton Lane Historic neighborhood, located in South West Ohio, has homes both large and small.  There are mansions built in the late 1800’s by business and industrial barons who didn’t spare any expense lavishing these homes with all the latest fads as they did their best to outdo their neighbor’s home.  Right next to these mansions are the smaller homes built for and by the laborers in the tycoons’ factories and mills.

If you dare, grab you tour tickets now … before they get sold out!


Here we present a five of the most haunted properties, that fall amongst 11 selected historical gems that will be showcased on Dayton Lane’s 16th Annual Ghost Walk! But only a glimpse of their story is to be told. You will need to take the tour (or check this article after Halloween) to know “the rest of the story”.

The Haunted Hensley House

903 Campbell Street – Hamilton, Ohio

This centurion was built in 1890 by Daniel Hensley, one of Hamilton’s early postmasters. Do you think this civic servant still prowls around his estate?

Photo Credit:  Apartments.com

The Haunted Mill

29 North 9th Street – Hamilton Ohio

This little spooky gem was built in 1870 and was known as the Miami Valley Hosiery Mill. Later it served to house local laborers. Falling into disrepair, the ghosts wish to tell the histories before the building is forgotten. 

Photo  Credit:  Google Maps

The Haunted Meat Market

102 North 7th Street – Hamilton, Ohio

Only butcher shops hold some of the most tragic incidents of dismembered limbs and other accidents which continue to haunt these spaces. During the late 1800’s, this meat market opened with a grocery by local proprietor John M. Benzing. But what lies behind the property, keeps the chills in our stories. The associated slaughterhouse, where animals were dressed and prepared for delivery.

Photo Credit: Caldwell Banker Homes

The Haunted McKee House

644 Dayton Street – Hamilton, Ohio

One of the majestic mansions that is perched on the famous Dayton Lane, served as the residence for the then postmaster, John McKee. Prominent residents followed, including Allen Andrews, a prominent lawyer who lived here with his family.  Being one of the oldest homes in the neighborhood, could the continual renovations revive the haunts that live within these walls?

Photo Credit: Realtor.com

The Haunted Greisman-Walsh House

806 Dayton Street – Hamilton, Ohio

This Prairie Style home, built in 1920 by Charles Griesmer … yes, the legendary partner of the Griesmer-Grim Undertakers. What better spooky setting could this be? Wait! Add the spice of gambling and prostitution tales to this story and you are sure to have some ghostly activity that will shiver your spine!  

Photo Credit: Google Maps

The Haunted Benninghofen House 

807 Dayton Street – Hamilton, Ohio

Saving one of the most haunted and magnificent Victorians for last is only suitable!

After two years of intricate craftsmanship, Christian Benninghofen, a prominent industrialist, built this stately home in the 1892. He was a principal at the Shuler-Benninghofen Woolen Mill in Lindenwald.  

Could the parlor still hold the spirits of the family members that were laid-out post-mortem during the early era? Or perhaps it was the unforgiving cholera epidemic that struck some of the family members during the early 1900’s?  

Photo Credit: Realtor.com

Now you had your spooky peeks! Take part in this celebrated ghost walk that has been part of the Halloween traditions in Hamilton Ohio for over almost two decades.

If you dare, grab you tour tickets now … before they get sold out!



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